Lon LaFlamme

Lon was formerly CEO of Publicis / Seattle, a $130 million marketing communications firm. For over a quarter of a century, he has worked with a myriad of clients in the local, national and international arenas, and has received numerous awards in advertising and public relations. In 2000 he joined his partner/wife Karen in creating a powerful integrated marketing team, KJL Communications.

The foundation to Lon’s background in the coffee industry started at Starbucks in the early years. As the agency supervisor, he worked directly with Howard Schulz, executing the vision that is now legendary. Lon has also handled projects with Seattle’s Best Coffee and Torrefazione Italia. He works with a wide range of coffee drive-thru franchises, Dillanos Coffee Roasters, and Atomic Espresso Equipment, and has authored numerous marketing articles in the specialty coffee industry.

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